Matt Peeples

Matt is passionate about connecting the disconnected and helping people share the unchanging gospel to an ever-changing world. Lives this passion out through preaching, teaching, developing training, and training the next generation of disciple makers, church planters, and ministry leaders. Leads national webinars and speaking engagements on: outreach, technology, social media, missional leadership, church planting and the issues that affect mission and ministry in the 21st century. Matt is the Founder and Director of the Kairos Network, and the founder of The Church at 10:02.

Roles Held:

Church Planter, Lead Pastor, Senior Pastor, Network Founder, Network Director

Denomination/ Networks affiliated with: 

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Years of Experience:


Church Size Experience:

Under 300

Geographic Areas of Experience:

Saint Louis, MO


If you’d like to work with Matt, fill out this form to get started with an explore call


Bradford Singleton


Ben Griffin